Our Story
Adversity Leads to Discovery
In the early 1990’s Simply Budgets founder David Wright was the sole breadwinner of his young family. He had a stay-at-home wife and after 10 annual pay rises as a School Teacher he had reached the ‘end-of-the-line’ financially unless he was prepared to do more study and ‘climb the corporate ladder’.
That was NOT something he was interested in doing.
Since 10 pay rises had not taken away his money stress he realised that although even more pay rises might be nice, it was not the answer to THE money problem he was experiencing.
So, David decided that he would commit whatever time it would take to finding out what he was doing wrong. He regularly sat up late at night considering what was actually causing the money stress he was experiencing.
One night he made a really exciting breakthrough and from that moment on he knew his future was going to be dedicated to sharing what he had discovered with anyone else he could reach who was also looking for answers.

Computer Software
David’s discovery led him to developing some specialised Excel spreadsheets which he took with him into people’s homes showing them how they too could benefit from his work.
That was received so well that David then teamed up with a professional software developer and together they created the Simply Budgets software based on David’s spreadsheets. This software was featured on Australian national television and in leading Australian publications. It sold almost 30,000 copies before it was replaced with an online application which is available via a $10 monthly subscription.
Simply Budgets - Spending Planner software

The Test of Time
In a world where it’s hard to know who you can trust, and scammers are everywhere, it’s good to find someone who has been personally working to help people like you, to take control of their finances for over a quarter of a century…. and, with so many dedicated happy customers.
Below is a very small sample of what people from the media and customers have had to say over the years since 1995 when this all began. There is no way we could fit everything in so here is just a taste.
Hi David,
Thanks to all your wonderful email tips, I am pleased to let you know that I have been through a wonderful transition in my life. You have given me the enthusiasm and confidence to change jobs (from a longstanding position), budget effectively and pay all bills on time, save and spend sensibly and most importantly have the most amazing guilt free family holiday in the US. We are also now house hunting, something we have put off for so long! Most of my Christmas shopping is done and I don’t feel anxious about how much I have spent.
I have never felt so content and I am indebted to you for all your advice.
Kind regards, Anna
Hi David
I want to say “Thank you” for helping me see money sense in a new light, when I took on the course I had no idea that it would be so soul searching, and how it has helped me to see things in a different way.
It is so good waking up in the morning and not having to rack your brains worrying about are we going to have enough to make it to pay day.
Previously with money my goal was always to pay off our mortgage and keep the credit card controlled, but I didn’t have the right tools. I am so excited now because in three weeks I will have the $9,000 credit card paid off and then it is only 2 to go.
I have so enjoyed the reading material and looking to see each week’s assignment.
Thank you so much for all the thought provoking information you have provided. It is incredible
Jean NT
Hello David
Many thanks for the wonderful day on Saturday at the Cash Flow Clinic and for your Simple Wealth Steps course.
You might be a bit surprised to learn I am employed as International Trade & Logistics Accountant for an importer of personal protective equipment. I am in control of trading foreign exchange and paying our international suppliers and controlling the logistics and customs clearing etc of approximately 550 containers of product a year delivered to four branches in four states in Australia.
The reason I tell you all this is because it I find it quite ironic, I am able to competently manage millions of dollars for the company I work for but have not been able to apply the same competence to my own personal funds! That is not until Saturday – my “Ah Ha Moment”…..
My name is David Mickelburough, and I am a Pharmacist from the Yarra Valley in Victoria.
I have been using David Wright’s “Simply Budgets” software for some years now, and I find it absolutely brilliant.
It’s just so easy to use. I haven’t seen any other program that gives such flexibility in knowing where you will be financially at any given date in the future.
By looking ahead instead of backwards, it allows you to get that planning right, and know that you will have money always available to pay your bills and more.
Apart from the program, David also gives coaching and wealth creation guidance.
I have met David personally and I am very impressed with his integrity, honesty, and down to earth approach.
I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone wanting to put their “financial house” in order. I only wish I had met up with him many years ago. Thank you David for putting me on track.
David Mickelburough
Hi David,
I just had to let you know your a genius. The program is so simple and I can’t believe how easy it is to use and all the things it does for you. I have shown the program to my whole family and they are very impressed.
Our budgets (We have two) are working magnificently. It took me a while to enter all the figures and have a fiddle to get it how we were both happy. Once all set up it is so easy and simple. We take our hats off to you and give yourself and your team of dedicated workers. We Salute You.
Congratulations and keep up the great work. I will certainly be doing my best to promote a wonderful budgeting tool.
Thanks again.
Christine D.
“I purchased the Simply Budgets program over 12 months ago and would be completely lost without it now! I am able to predict how my spending now will influence my bank balance in the future – and it is so easy to use! Since purchasing the Simply Budgets program my savings have grown from $0 to several thousand and my bills are always paid on time as I know well in advance of them being due, thanks to Simply Budgets. I definitely recommend this product to anyone wanting to take control of their finances.”
Michelle Green – Brisbane
Dear David
I would like to say a big thankyou to you personally as your Simply Budgets has been a total life changing experience for us. We have left behind us the debt and stress.
Thanks again,
Kyra Potts
In The Media

We could go on and on… we hope you get the idea!