Real Testimonials from Real People



Name:- Jodie Mildie
Occupation:- Home maker

Age:- N/A

Family:-  Married with 3 children.

From:- Adelaide, Australia.

Jodie is a stay at home mother of 3 children aged between 13 and 5. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia.

Living on one income had stretched the family finances to the limit.



We were always juggling money , were in $15,000 debt and had a mortgage. We had debt collectors ringing for money and always lived from pay to pay just keeping our heads above water. We had been advised to declare bankruptcy.

After using Simply Budgets I can see light at the end of  the tunnel.  After entering all our financial details into the system we were able to see where we were able to cut back, how much we needed  to pay off our debts  and still have money left over to take the kids out once in a while. We have had to make a few sacrifices in the last 12 months but it has been worth it.

After 12 months using Simply Budgets we are now debt free and saving again. Simply Budgets shows us how much we need each week, fortnight or month to cover all our bills, when they are due and how much cash flow we have  at any one time.

Simply Budgets is a stress-free way to budget. We no longer lay in bed at night worrying about how we are going to pay the next bill.

Simply Budgets saved our family and showed us how to live again. Give it a go it could help you too.


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